§ 6-1.02. Peace officers and Animal Control Officers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Duties. It shall be the duty of all Peace Officers to cooperate with and assist the Animal Control Officers in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and such Peace Officers and Animal Control Officers shall be empowered to:


    Impoundment. Receive, take up and impound:


    Any animal found running at large on any highway, street, sidewalk, lane, alley or other public place or upon any private property in violation of this chapter or of any law of the State of California;


    Any animal which, without provocation or direction, is molesting any person;


    Any animal which, without provocation or direction, is molesting or harassing animals, birds, or pets upon the premises of any person;


    Any animal which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that very prompt action is required to protect the health or safety of the animal and others.


    Animal care. Regularly and adequately feed, water and otherwise care for all dogs, cats and other animals impounded under the provisions of this ordinance, or to provide for such feeding, watering and care. The Animal Control Officer may also take charge of any animal, including dog or cat, that by reason of lameness, sickness, feebleness, or neglect, is unfit for the labor it is performing, or that in any other manner is being cruelly or inhumanely treated, and provide care and treatment for the animal, until it is deemed to be in a suitable condition to be returned to the owner. The cost of caring for and treating any animal seized under this chapter shall constitute a lien on the animal and the animal shall not be returned to its owner until the charges are paid.


    Investigations. Investigate the condition and behavior of any animal which he or she has reason to believe is vicious, dangerous or fierce.


    Animal destruction. Humanely destroy or give emergency care to sick or injured animals including dogs and cats.


    Interference. Any person who knowingly and intentionally interferes with an Animal Control Officer while said officer is performing his duties as an Animal Control Officer shall be guilty of Section 148 of the California Penal Code.

(§ 1, Ord. 666, eff. April 6, 2002)