§ 6-1.25. Rabies suppression, control and quarantine.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Reporting bites. Any person having knowledge of any individual or animal having been bitten by an animal of a species subject to rabies shall report the occurrence of the bite immediately to the Police Department or an Animal Control Officer.


    Vaccination required. The owner of or person responsible for a dog or cat four (4) months old or older shall have said animal vaccinated against rabies within thirty (30) days after it reaches said age or is acquired by its owner or moved into the City. Any person harboring any such animal shall be responsible for said vaccination. A vaccinated animal must be revaccinated against rabies at least every twenty-four (24) months. This section shall not apply to veterinarian, grooming salons or kennel operators temporarily maintaining on their premises animals owned by others, or to an animal in the City for a period of thirty (30) days or less, provided such animal is restrained and supervised as required by this chapter.


    Rabies certificate. When vaccinating any animal for rabies, the veterinarian shall complete a certificate of rabies vaccination (in duplicate) which includes, but is not limited to the following information:


    Owner's name and address;


    Description of animal (breed, sex, markings, age, name);


    Date of vaccination;


    Type of rabies vaccine administered;


    Manufacturer's serial number of vaccine.

    A copy of the certificate shall be distributed to the veterinarian and the original retained by the owner. The veterinarian and owner shall retain copies of the certificate for the interval between vaccinations specified in this section.


    Reporting and confinement. An animal that has rabies or shows signs of having rabies, and every animal bitten by another animal showing symptoms of rabies or that has been exposed to rabies shall be reported by the owner to the Police Department or Animal Control Officer and shall immediately be confined in a secure place by the owner.


    Rabies control. If it shall appear to the Animal Control Officer that any animal has rabies, the Animal Control Officer may destroy such animal forthwith, or may hold such animal for further examination or observation for such time as the Animal Control Officer may determine to be appropriate.


    Quarantine. Any animal of a species susceptible to rabies that bites a person or animal or is suspected of having rabies may be seized and quarantined for observation for a period of not less than ten (10) days by an Animal Control Officer. The owner of the animal shall bear the cost of confinement. An animal shelter authorized by the City shall be the normal place of quarantine, but other arrangements, including confinement by the owner, may be made by the City Police Department if the animal had a current rabies vaccination at the time the bite was inflicted or if there are other special circumstances justifying an exception. A person who has custody of an animal under quarantine shall immediately notify the City Police Department if the animal shows any signs of sickness or abnormal behavior, or if the animal escapes confinement. It shall be unlawful for any person who has custody of a quarantined animal to fail or refuse to allow an Animal Control Officer to make an inspection or examination during the period of quarantine. If the animal dies within ten (10) days from the date of the bite, the person having custody shall immediately notify the Police Department or City-designated laboratory to be examined for rabies. If, at the end of the ten-day period, the Animal Control Officer examines the animal and finds no signs of rabies, the animal may be released to the owner or in the case of a stray, it shall be disposed of as provided in this chapter. Animals quarantined pursuant to this section shall remain under quarantine until notice is given the Animal Control Officer that such quarantine is terminated.


    Animals dying while under isolation. The intact body or portion thereof, as specified by the Fresno County Health Department Laboratory or other laboratory designated by the City, shall be submitted in the manner prescribed by the laboratory for examination for rabies.


    Rabies epidemic. Whenever the Police Chief shall determine that an epidemic of rabies exists or is threatened, the Police Chief shall have the authority to take such measures as may be reasonably necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, including but not limited to the declaration of quarantine against any or all animals in any area of the City the Police Chief may determine and define, for a period of not more than one hundred twenty (120) days. An additional or extended quarantine period may also be declared if such additional or extended quarantine period shall be deemed necessary by the Police Chief for the protection and preservation of the public health, peace and safety. Any quarantine declared pursuant to this subsection, other than as restricted herein, shall be upon such conditions as the Police Chief may determine and declare.


    Quarantine signs. The Animal Control Officer may, in his discretion, post or cause to be posted an appropriate sign on any premises where an animal is quarantined pursuant to this chapter, for the purpose of warning the public of the fact of such quarantine. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove a sign on any premises where an animal is quarantined pursuant to this chapter, for the purpose of warning the public of the fact of such quarantine. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove a sign posted pursuant to this subsection without the permission of the Animal Control Officer or Police Department.


    Unvaccinated bitten or exposed animals. If an animal is not vaccinated against rabies but of a species subject to rabies is known to have been bitten or exposed by a known rabid animal, then said bitten or exposed animal shall be immediately destroyed.


    Skunks. In order to protect the public health from the hazard of rabies which has been found to exist in skunks, a quarantine is hereby imposed to continue until released by the Police Chief, whereby it is prohibited to trap or capture skunks for pets; to trap, capture, or hold skunks in captivity for any reason; to transport skunks from or into the City except pursuant to a permit issued by the California Department of Health Services pursuant to Title 17, California Administrative Code, Section 2606.8.


    Vaccinated bitten animals, or exposed animals. If the bitten or exposed animal has been vaccinated, the animal shall be revaccinated within twenty-four (24) hours and quarantined for a period of thirty (30) days following revaccination; or if the animal is not revaccinated within twenty-four (24) hours, the animal shall be isolated and quarantined under veterinary supervision for six (6) months or the animal shall be destroyed if the owner does not comply with this subsection.


    Removal of animal. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or release any quarantined or confined animal from quarantine or confinement without written permission of the City Police Department.


    Violation. Violation of any subsection of this section is a misdemeanor.

(§ 1, Ord. 666, eff. April 6, 2002)